Watch loads of videos
From singing to interviews and career ideas we’ve got loads of videos for you to watch.
Our partnership with Berkley Modular.
Vivien, Erin and Kofi explain how the new partnership with this brilliant local employer will work.
GYG Media goes to…
The Olympic Park, London to find out how it was built, which games took place there and how they have regenerated the space now for people to live there, use the sports centre and the parkland too.
Filmed in Summer 2022.
Funded by Kent County Council Reconnect Fund.
GYG Media goes to…
Investigate the myth of Pocahontas.
Filmed in Summer 2022.
Funded by Kent County Council Reconnect Fund.
GYG Media goes to…
The Retreat Animal Rescue Sanctuary, in Kent. To find out about how the founder, Billy, and a team of volunteers rescue and care for thousands of animals.
Filmed in Summer 2022.
Funded by Kent County Council Reconnect Fund. .
Listen up.
We make podcasts too…
You can learn how to use podcasting equipment, how to present and interview people, how to create reports and publish the podcast online.
Our first podcast series, Thrive, was made in 2019. We spoke to young people across the UK about their lives.
When GYG spoke at the UN’s conference in Berlin.
In 2019 Mason Rickard, one of our members was invited to speak at the United Nations conference about the internet. He spoke about protecting young people online alongside Baroness Beeban Kidron who founded the charity 5Rights.
Studio Sessions
There are so many incredible young performers locally. So we decided to create a channel to showcase the talent.
Which Way Now?
Wondering what do next? We talked to lots of local professionals to find out more about their careers. Take a look and get some ideas about your next step in life.
GYG Talks...
Our young reporters have interviewed artists and creatives about their work, their careers and their advice for young people.
When GYG spoke at Royal Opera House
In 2019 four of our young members made a podcast series for Royal Opera House Bridge looking at young people and the importance of the arts. The podcast called Thrive was a big success and the team spoke on stage at a national conference about what they did and why the arts is important to young people.
GYG Live 2019
Each year young people take over the Woodville Theatre in Gravesend for a night of youth performances. The evening is compared by young people, with backstage created by young people too. The event helps raise funds for the workshops and services we offer.