Our Active Listening Service has now come to an end.

If you are looking for free mental health counselling for young people please contact Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund who provide support.

Active Listening Service.

Free counselling for young people. From the little things to the big things in life, we can help.

There’s other support too

Our youth workers are here to support young people too. They can offer confidential conversations and a shoulder to lean on.

We also run lots of youth workshops and projects outside of school hours that many young people find helpful, supportive and friendly.

Take a look at the website and see what’s on.

Other useful links:

Talk to FRANK (information on drugs) :

Website: https://www.talktofrank.com/

Phone: 0300 1236600

Text: 82111

NHS online (health information):

Website: https://111.nhs.uk/

Phone: 111

Get help now.

If you urgently need someone to talk to you can also call these helplines for FREE advice and support:


Website: https://www.childline.org.uk/

Phone (it's free): 0800 1111

The Samaritans:

Website: https://www.samaritans.org/

Phone (it's free): 116 123